
Morrowind constant effect restore health
Morrowind constant effect restore health

And its very hard to get its probably one of the a hardest items to acquire becasue his guards are very strong not to mention he is wearing the ring so he is a pain to kill. If you find it unbalanced then don't use it or mod it. If I enjoy working my way up to level 60 and kill the king and getting his ring and enchanting royal guard armor, I don't see why it matters. Nothing needs to be nerfed or balanced its meant to be easy going fun. add to that, the game's ridiculously easy even without it or any ce enchanting. That ring seriously needs a balance nerf as well. You killed hlaalu helseth just for the ring and don't even remember his name? >_> W E I R D Posts: 3496 Joined: Tue 10:08 am Besides, it's fun to watch your character fall on their knees after an impact and gives the reason to carry a good supply of healing potions. However, slowfall completely negates acrobatics training so I never use it. To negate fall damage slowfall 0 is enough. Ancestral ghost for ~15 seconds, soultrap and Azura's star lets me recharge it on a whim for continuous use. Jump is singlehandedly the most fun spell to use, but it's too pricey for CE, I make 100pts for 2 seconds.

morrowind constant effect restore health

Water walking, breathing and levitation (usually on belts since you never need more than one of them at any given time) are also handy for exploration and general travel. 1 pt won't help you during fights in a slightest but it'll take care of small falls or vermin bites. That is 4-5 restore fatigue is the most important.ġ point restore health - I could fit 4-5 points on an exquisite ring or amulet but that's way too much for my sense of "fair" balance. I make CE items mainly to remove annoying micromanagement from the game so I could devote my attention to doing things that are actually fun (for me). Louise Dennis Posts: 3489 Joined: Fri 9:23 pm You just have to equip/re-equip repeatedly until you (randomly) get the max value. Remember also to make the enchantments "1 to max", not "max to max", as you get a higher ultimate effect for the same enchant capacity. Don't forget that both male/female characters can wear skirts as well as trousers (and a robe on top) for maximum enchant points. With a full set of enchanted exquisite clothes/ring/amulet and high-enchantable armour (ebony, Cephalopod helm etc.), you can reach well over 300 strength (1500 carrying capacity), very neat for raiding shrines and smuggler caves. Yes, for the same enchant points fortify strength is MUCH more efficient than feather if you want to reduce encumbrance (and increase carrying capacity), and it has the advantage of improving your combat ability if you've selected that option in the MCP. this will increase your damage (all gear ce strength makes fights really easy).

Morrowind constant effect restore health