In the Azure AD Hybrid environment, when a new object is added or existing object been updated in on-premises Active Directory, it needs to sync back to Azure AD. AD Connect has several built in functions that can be applied as part of declarative transformations. Azure AD Connect and Azure AD Sync rely heavily on SSL/TLS.
In this case all user authentication is happen on-premises.
Microsoft recently announces a new service, Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync, that also synchronizes Windows AD identities to Azure AD. Not only does this fundamentally move away from the However, if you use HubStor, the only reason you would use AFS is for the global namespace capability. AD is an on-premise solution, and Microsoft doesn’t offer cloud PKI or Certificate Authority (CA) services.
Azure AD is the backbone of the Office 365 system, and it can sync with on-premise Active Directory and provide authentication to other cloud-based systems via OAuth.
Azure AD Connect cloud sync is the future of our hybrid identity sync capabilities.
With Azure AD Connect cloud sync, the provisioning configuration is stored in the cloud and runs in the cloud as part of the Azure AD provisioning service.
Authentication with Azure AD Pass-through is constantly being improved by Microsoft and receives regular feature updates. Azure ad cloud sync vs connect Click ‘Continue’.